Since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), large employers have faced the challenge of understanding and complying with complex regulations with a desire to proactively minimize IRS penalty exposure and address evolving state employer reporting requirements. At ADP, we understand that proactively minimizing potential exposure as well as quickly and accurately responding to all ACA IRS penalty and possible state penalty notices is easier said than done. With our intuitive technology and expertise, we make it our mission to help you holistically manage these challenges of ACA IRS and state compliance.

With our ADP team, we are prepared for what inquiries may look like, and how to respond. ADP has provided us detailed information about which groups of forms are likely to cause issue so that we can look into those further. ADP has also provided us estimates on the amounts of possible penalties.

Katrina Lawson, Benefits Coordinator
Kentucky Community & Technical College System


  • Minimizing potential exposure as well as quickly and accurately responding to all ACA IRS penalty and possible state penalty notices.

How ADP helped

  • Penalty Management: ADP intuitive technology and expertise helps holistically manage these challenges of ACA IRS and state compliance.

ADP solution

  • ADP SmartCompliance® Health Compliance