Wickham Tractor has 5 locations that sell and service agricultural and light industrial equipment, feed and consumer products. Wickham’s utilizes ADP TotalSource to reduce administrative and compliance workload and access expert HR support and enhanced benefits.
What made ADP TotalSource so attractive to a company of our size was its efficiency, integration and cost. We’ve been able to reduce costs in certain areas of our organization, such as workers’ comp, and we’ve also reduced costs in the benefits administration area.

Nicole Wagner,
Director of HR and Payroll
Wickham Tractor
- The company outgrew its existing support systems and processes, and needed to streamline its HR functions and benefits process to increase efficiencies.
How ADP helped
- ADP TotalSource provides expert HR support and ongoing guidance for payroll and compliance, as well as Fortune 500 caliber benefits, compliance expertise and more.