In three short months, start-up Amazon Delivery Services Provider (DSP) Yellow Brick Road Logistics has grown to a team of four on the administrative side and 55 drivers. We spoke with owner Joshua Szarek about the essential role ADP Workforce Now has played to his fast-growing Richmond, Calif.-based business, providing the tools necessary to streamline the payroll process, meet California and Amazon compliance requirements and create real financial and operational savings.

With ADP we can do payroll, 401k, and have benefits all in one place. That was really attractive to me.

Joshua Szarek, Owner
Yellow Brick Road


  • Handling payroll and HR tasks without an HR manager

How ADP helped

  • ADP Workforce Now provides an easy-to-use, one-stop shop for payroll, HR, benefits and more


On choosing ADP’s one-stop solution

I had used ADP in previous roles as a chief operating officer in healthcare for seven years. We started Yellow Brick Road two-and-a-half months ago, and now that I’m the employer, I was really attracted to ADP’s one-stop solution. As a DSP owner, you’re stretched pretty thin, especially during a launch. So even though we don’t have an HR manager, I wanted to offer a wide variety of solutions and products to our drivers. With ADP we can do payroll, 401(k), and have benefits all in one place. That was really attractive to me.

On ADP’s seamless implementation

Our implementation was fabulous. I served in the military for 10 years doing special operations in the Middle East. In the military, there’s a process called, “crawl, walk, run.” Our ADP representative who helped us get launched and who were there with us for the first three or four weeks helped us crawl through. We watched her do it and then within two weeks we started doing it, so we were walking. And then she was watching us and we were running through it. For us, the implementation of ADP’s software was seamless.

On ADP software’s ease of use

It’s a pretty simple system to get up and running. The product is very easy to use and there’s a lot of tools. We don’t have to use everything yet. We did a good job coming together quickly and started with 15 routes. Within two months we had 30 routes. We broke some pretty cool records. Our goal is to get to 100 routes. I like that there are a lot of features with ADP so that once we become a more advanced user or larger organization, it’s all there when we need it.

To read the full story, click the link below.