Penske Automotive Group, headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, is an international transportation services company that operates automotive and commercial truck dealerships across the United States and in Canada and Western Europe. With a focus set on raising the bar on people management, Penske partnered with ADP to provide quality in hiring, onboarding, training and performance management, as well as help with controlling costs and digitizing the HR world for their managers and employees.
I’m very interested and excited about ADP’s onboarding modules that we’re now rolling out in the marketplace. Moving our information from manual paperwork to cloud-based paperwork.

Bud Denker,
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Penske Automotive Group
Challenges Penske Automotive Group faced:
- Wanted to ensure they were delivering on their commitment to provide top people management tools and resources for employees, while also strategically attracting top talent.
How ADP helped:
- Time and attendance through ADP Enterprise HR delivered real-time, on-demand reporting that allows them to better manage their business and employees.