If you’re spending money on a payroll provider, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether your payroll is accurate, efficient or easy to complete. You also shouldn’t have to worry about whether your provider can help you address today’s common HR challenges, such as hiring and keeping top talent. These concerns may warrant switching to a provider more capable of handling payroll and HR responsibilities in tandem
Three areas to consider when changing payroll providers
1. People
Your new payroll service partner should provide you with an implementation team and help you assemble your own project team. The number of stakeholders will depend on the size of your business and how many services you’re using. Some small organizations may only need one decision-maker.
2. Data
If you’re already working with a payroll provider, you should have easy access to all your records. A high-quality provider will give you a clear and comprehensive list of all the necessary data required for a timely and error-free changeover.
3. Training
Every payroll service provider uses its own system and some are easier to learn than others. Before switching, ensure your new partner offers the hands-on training and individual attention needed to become proficient on their platform. Ask for digital learning tools, dedicated account resources and in-product demos.
For more information on how to make a smooth and successful switch to a new payroll provider, download ADP’s payroll switcher’s guide.