Protection Against Identity Theft

What is identity theft?

Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as a Social Security or driver's license number, to impersonate someone else. The information can be used to obtain credit, merchandise, and services in the name of the victim, or to provide the thief with false credentials.

Tips to help prevent identity theft:

  • Only carry necessary personal information with you
  • Memorize your Social Security number or other government identification numbers
  • Never give out personal information to anyone unless you know who is requesting the information and they have a valid reason to receive it
  • Check your credit reports regularly
  • Keep all of your checkbooks, personal documents, and financial statements in a secure place
  • Shred all documents with personal information before disposing of them
  • Promptly report the theft of your wallet, credit cards, debit cards, checkbook, or financial statements to law enforcement
  • Be aware of social scams and how to avoid them