From the rapid adoption of hybrid work environments to employees reassessing their roles for better opportunities, you’ve seen a lot of changes over the last two years. Rest assured, there will be more of them in 2022. ADP has identified four HR trends that will further transform the employer-employee landscape, along with action items that can help you mold the uncertainty of these changes into advantages for yourself, your people and your business practices.

Trend #1: Employee visibility will be redefined

Managing a highly distributed workforce and building mutual trust across physical and digital boundaries can be a challenge. To overcome it, you may need to prioritize the collection and analysis of people data, which can highlight the percentage of employees working remotely and provide insights about overall performance and engagement.

Trend #2: People and purpose will drive workplace culture

People-centered initiatives related to inclusion, connection and financial security are expected to transform work cultures. You may have to make changes based on feelings of belonging and emotional states of mind, as well as provide tools that support financial wellness, or risk higher employee disengagement and turnover.

For more 2022 HR trends and employer action items, download our insight.