
"Better For It" Episode 3: Turning Recruiting From Junk to Gold

Junk Hauling Mogul Brian Scudamore

Your recruitment process is an essential part of growing your business. Here are insights from 02E Brands and 1-800-GOT-JUNK founder Brian Scudamore.

Have you ever thought about a time when your work mistakes may have taught you a lesson that fuels the way you work today?

ADP's "Better For It" podcast talks with leaders about exactly this. We're talking about critical moments — times when you almost lose a business, or question your character.

In this episode, host Franchesca Ramsey interviews junk-hauling mogul Brian Scudamore, the founder and CEO of O2E Brands (which includes 1-800-Got-Junk), about challenges that he encountered building his organization.

You have to have the right recruiting systems, and you have to have the right training systems. So I was failing on recruiting. I was failing on who I selected to be a part of the team and didn't have enough process behind it.

- Brian Scudamore, Founder of O2E Brand

Recruiting the Right Fit Talent Lays the Foundation for Growth

Scudamore notes that he learned how to develop the best talent from his early struggles employing people that, in his words, "weren't professional" and "weren't people that saw the world as glass being half full."

It starts with defining your talent needs, team focus and having the right recruiting and training systems. "I hired people — and I still do today — that I can see being friends with. We call it the beer and barbecue test. Each and every person we ask ourselves after we interview: Could you see having a beer or coffee with that person? If the answer is yes, great, you ask yourself the second question, do they pass the BBQ test?" says Scudamore.

By focusing on diversity and overall team fit "do they fit the personality" through the "beer and barbecue test," he's been able to build a winning team. Once he successfully implemented the test and hired the right people into key roles, there was a trickle-down effect.

"If you've got the right 'A players' on your team, they want people that will elevate their game — people they can learn from that will help make them better," says Scudamore. "And so it's really getting that first core group of people right and then empowering them to hire smarter people."

Today, Scudamore relies on his team for day-to-day operations and spends his time focused on building a company culture through employee engagement strategies that include a daily stand-up meeting focused on good news.

Supporting Your Recruiting Process

Your recruitment process is essential to building a thriving business. As organizations grow, it's natural to struggle with finding the right recruitment process and talent management strategies. ADP has extensive experience and intuitive technology to help our partners identify, attract, and hire the right talent. If you are looking for extra expertise, learn more about the recruitment process outsourcing solution.

Learn more by listening to the "Better For It" podcast today.

To learn about the other episodes in this series, visit this page.