
Top 6 Resolutions for 2021: New Year's Tips for HR Experts

African-American woman sitting on couch on video conference call

Explore some of our top resolutions for HR leaders going into the new year, with recommended solutions to help you make them a reality.

A new year is always a fitting time to evaluate goals and hit reset, and some human resources and business leaders may be feeling that sentiment more strongly than ever this year.

Early in 2020, organizations of all sizes made significant changes to the way they work due to the global health event. Companies shifted to remote work, introduced new workplace health and safety protocols, and modified day-to-day operations to adapt to new circumstances. Meanwhile, employees and their families have faced personal challenges, including health and finances, that have lasting impact on their jobs.

Consider these statistics:

  • 58% of employees are still working remotely at least some of the time.
  • 39% of employers have reported a decline in employee emotional well being since the start of the COVID-19 global health event.
  • Only 15% of remote workers say their company has been very effective in providing skills training to help them grow in their careers.
  • 29% of employees say their financial stress has been a distraction at work.

View our infographic to explore six new year's resolutions we expect HR leaders to be considering as 2021 begins. Also included are recommendations for easy-to-implement solutions to help make those resolutions a reality.

ADP Marketplace 2021 Trends Infographic slice

Click image above to see full infographic.

Whether you're looking to improve your company culture while working remotely into the new year, protect employees' health, or help employees stress less at on the job, ADP Marketplace, ADP's digital HR storefront, can help.

ADP Marketplace is a digital HR storefront that allows employers to create a single system of record to simplify HR processes, reduce data errors and drive their business forward by spending more time on what really matters: taking care of people. Explore, try, buy and implement easy-to-use apps and services from ADP and leading third-party partners with the simplicity of single sign-on, single data input and single billing.