
Look for the Helpers

home grocery delivery

Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. — Mr. Rogers

At ADP, we know our clients are navigating new challenges as work changes in response to the COVID-19 global health event. We checked in with some of them to find out how they are doing, what they are dealing with, and how they are helping their organization's customers and employees.

We wanted to highlight some of the kind and caring approaches our clients are taking and thank them for connecting with us and being an important part of our partnership to always be designing for people.

What is something you have done recently to help someone?

We received lots of caring responses to this question. Many involved making and distributing masks to essential workers, preparing meals and getting groceries for people who are vulnerable, and checking on friends and family. One person even gave the package of toilet tissue in their cart to another customer at the store. Everyone wished they could do more.

  • I wrote a poem to support our essential workers and sent it to co-workers, colleagues, friends and family to pass along. I also sent sanitizing and disinfectant products as part of a care package to my younger brother, an essential worker, who can't find any in his area. — Pia Saks, Corporate Payroll Manager, Vanderbilt Global Services, LLC
  • I am having my daughters call their aunts, uncles, grandparents and send letters to them. Everyone is feeling so isolated that these little acts really lift them up. — Cindy Gapinski, Payroll Administrator, Rockler Companies, Inc.
  • Called a friend who was struggling and made food to give to others. — Anna Maria Miller, SVP, Director of Human Resources, The Bank of Princeton
  • I have helped those who I know have lost their jobs. Being in HR helps give me a good understanding of the unemployment processes. — Alyssa Kauffman, HR Manager, Monarch Steel
  • I pick up groceries for my grandpa weekly and leave at his doorstep. I don't want him going out under the current situation. It is so very hard to not see him and spend time with him. —Tracey Thomas, Controller CPA, Vehicle Logistics Solutions Limited Liability Company

What is something your organization is doing to help its customers or employees?

From paying extra wages, offering benefits to furloughed employees, providing childcare to essential workers, and giving customers discounts or extended deadlines for payments, our clients have stepped up to help others.

  • Paying hazard pay to front line employees —Tracy Stone, HR Director, Hyundai L&C USA LLC
  • Assisted my husband who has been making masks and made masks for all employees at our company. — Denise Mangano, HR & Compliance Manager, Soundview Transportation LLC
  • We are giving out bleach, masks, and toilet paper to employees who need it. —Keli Parish, HRIS Analyst, Daniel Defense LLC
  • For our furloughed employees the executives started a hardship relief fund. For some of our customers we're offering discounts on overdue invoices. — Christine Clark, Payroll Manager, Scientific Games Corporation
  • Owners, leaders, and co-workers have all been amazing. Offering flexible working situations, state of emergency incentive payments, bringing in lunches, etc. I could go on and on ... I've never been more proud to be a part of this organization. — Jaime Blankenship, HRIS Manager, CCR

If you could do one thing to make a difference for others right now, what would it be?

Some people were practical; others imagined having superpowers. One of our favorite responses from a payroll professional was to encourage people to enroll in direct deposit! Everyone wanted to find ways to reduce suffering and increase kindness, healing, and love.

  • Snap my fingers and make COVID-19 disappear. I'd do anything I could to help right now, big or small, I would do it. Right now, just stay positive and empathetic. It goes a long way. — Jessica Schaap, Director Human Resources, Select Resources, LLC
  • I want to tell anyone struggling with depression during this time that I am here for you. Even if I don't know you, if you need someone I am here. — Jessi Keller, Sr. Payroll Specialist, ACIST Medical Systems, Inc.
  • Assist in vaccine production, if that was in any way possible. — Matt Jameson, Controller, Transport Clearings East
  • I'd make sure that our elderly and young parents all had the necessities needed to live daily. I'd love to be able to deliver groceries, household items and personal care items to them weekly. I'd would love to build tiny homes in every city for the homeless to live in so that they could get themselves together. — Shelly Jackson, Sr. Payroll Tax Accountant, ASRC Federal LLC
  • Take a meal to a sick friend. — Jodi Lloyd, Manager HRIS, TriMas Corporation
  • If I could, I would help tag team kid and work time with other moms. If it were safe for us to mingle more, I'd set up a rotation with other moms to watch all the kids so we could each get more dedicated work time in. — Cortney Hollinger, Special Projects and HR Manager CLEAN Cause

One of our clients summed it up beautifully: "Listen. So many people just need someone to talk to during this isolation. Knowing we are in this together is powerful."

For additional COVID-19 related resources, please visit our Employer Preparedness Toolkit.