How ADP Helps You Achieve Your Critical Business Strategy

There you are in the middle of a complex implementation status call and you realize everything is on time and generally going according to plan.
There you are in the middle of a complex implementation status call and you realize everything is on time and generally going according to plan. You smile and return to your call as you remember your ADP project manager has earned an advanced project leadership certification. She had to complete over 50+ advanced courses, master over a dozen project leadership skills and pass a 3-part skills evaluation. It's just another reason that you selected ADP as your trusted partner.
What is the ADP Project Management University (PMU) Certification?
The PMU badge represents an advanced Project Management certification for ADP Human Capital Management project leadership. Graduates of the program have consistently demonstrated the critical leadership skills necessary to deliver project success as measured by on-time, within budget, with the highest quality. The badge is available to ADP associates and select contractors.
What Does it Take to Earn this Badge?
- For starters, candidates complete an assessment that can gauge their project management knowledge and experience. This advanced tool then recommends specific classes to help them move to the next level.
- PM100 delivers project leadership skills for project management professionals.
- After completing PM100 or obtaining an industry standard certification, the candidate enrolls in PM200.
- After passing all 50+ courses, the candidate enrolls in the project leadership workshop course called PMPRIME. This interactive course uses small virtual teams to solve and manage real life project scenarios.
- After mastering over a dozen scenarios, the candidate obtains the PMU Certification upon successful completion of a 3-part evaluation.
Our certified project leaders have been producing amazing results by delivering on-time, on-budget high quality projects for ADP clients. Ask your certified Project leader about their badge.