
Medical Support For Kids: National Medical Support Notice Compliance Checklist

Part of a series  |  Wage Garnishment Insights

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Making kids' medical care a priority shows your business is both compliant and compassionate. By fulfilling medical support obligations for kids efficiently, businesses can create a positive work environment, meet legal requirements, help ensure employee well-being and productivity and reduce liabilities and costs.

Mandated medical support for kids

Medical support is a form of child support that provides either cash medical support or health insurance. Often, this requires an order to ensure healthcare is provided to children. The name of that order is the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN).

For employers, child support and medical support orders present a challenge of balancing consistent, compassionate care of employees with an obligation to comply with varying child support requirements. But making kids' medical care a priority shows your business is both compliant and compassionate.

By fulfilling medical support obligations for kids efficiently, businesses can create a positive work environment, meet legal requirements, help ensure employee well-being and productivity and reduce liabilities and costs.

NMSN compliance

Our infographic, the full image is linked below, summarizes the elements of the NMSN and offers a helpful checklist for managing compliance.

ADP infographic - National Medical Support Notice basics

Learn more

View the infographic above and get our guidebook to learn how ADP's Smart Compliance Wage Garnishment module can benefit your organization.